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How and Why to Form a Nevis LLC

Are you considering an offshore limited liability company (LLC)? It would be wise to strongly consider forming a Nevis LLC. Below are many of the reasons why.

Nevis LLC


  • Asset protection from lawsuits
    • LLC members are protected from losing their LLC ownership in a personal lawsuit
    • Assets inside company are protected from seizure
    • Owners are shielded from lawsuits against the company
    • A one-person LLC receives charging order protection
    • Charging order expires in three years
    • Nevis does not recognize punitive damages awards
  • Fast formation – can be formed in 24 hours
  • Low cost to establish and maintain
  • Does not require paid-up capital
  • Nevis LLC managers and members are not listed in the public records
  • Any individual or legal entity may become a member and manager (includes other LLCs, corporations, trusts, etc.)
  • Nevis does not have foreign exchange control.


A Nevis LLC is created under the Nevis Limited Liability Company Ordinance 1995. The laws were based on the very favorable Delaware LLC statutes.  The asset protection features were enhanced even further in a 2015 amendment.


The Nevis LLC needs to contain the words “Limited Liability Company” or one of its abbreviations, “L.L.C.”, “L.C.”, “LLC” or “LC”. “LLC” is the most common.

The name must be easily distinguished from names previously filed LLC names.

Special licenses or other government approval is needed to use the words Assurance, Bank, Building Society, Brokerage, Cash, Chamber of Commerce, Chartered, Co-operative, Credit Union, Foundation, Fund Management, Gold, Imperial, Indemnity, Insurance, Investment Fund, Loans, Money, Mortgage, Municipal, University, Royal, Savings and Loan, Stock, or Underwriters.

Nevis business laws


As with nearly all jurisdictions worldwide, a registered agent office address is required in Nevis. Therefore, a local agent that is located in and that has been licensed by Nevis is required.

Offshore Company offers an optional service, including a Nevis office address to receive and forward mail along with a Nevis telephone number answered during business hours.

The principal office address (i.e. the business address) may be located in any country.

A company formed in Nevis can own and operate a business in other countries, such as the USA, Canada, UK, Australia and elsewhere.

Our formation fees for a Nevis LLC include the first year registered agent address.


At least one LLC member is required.

There is not a limit to the number of members a Nevis LLC can have.

The members of a Nevis can reside in any country.

Nominee members are available through our company.


Flexible management – One can choose to have the company managed by a manager or by its members. A one-person member and manager is allowed.

One does not need to be a member (owner) in order to be manager.

Managers can live in any country.

Individuals or legal entities can be managers of Nevis LLC.

The majority of the members can designate the managers unless the operating agreement states otherwise.


A Nevis LLC is exempt from paying local taxes. This includes income taxes, capital gain taxes and other taxes. (One must follow the tax codes of his or her own home jurisdiction.)


Nevis LLC annual renewal fees are quite reasonable and cover the annual government and registered agent fees.


Laws favor anonymity. The names of the owners, members, managers, officers, directors of a Nevis company are not filed in the public records.

The LLC Articles of Organization is the document that is filed with the Nevis Registrar. The articles are not required to list the owners, members, mangers, officers or directors of the company. It contains the required verbiage to form the company, the company name and the name and address of the registered agent.

For maximum protection, our company offers Nominee services as an additional lawyer of privacy.

Nevis LLC Asset Protection


Unlike other jurisdictions that require the submission of quarterly and/or annual accounting, there are no such requirements for a Nevis LLC. The accounting and records are at the discretion of the members and managers and do not need to be reported to any person or agency in Nevis.


Annual company meetings are recommended by not required by law.


Offshore Company files Nevis limited liability companies the same business day the order is placed, in most cases, or the next business day if ordered late in the day.

So, with shipping time you can typically expect to receive your company in your hands within about a week.


Offshore Company offers the Nevis Management Program including the following:

  • A bank and/or brokerage account
  • A Nevis address with mail forwarding
  • Nevis telephone number answered during business hours
  • Nominee managers / officers / directors
  • Power of attorney giving you 100% control


To form a Nevis LLC, call the number listed above, place an order online or complete a contact form on this page.