Corporations vs. LLCs
Offshore company incorporation, or forming a company in a different country than you reside, is the same process as filing domestic legal entities. The articles of incorporation are drafted according to legal statute. The documents are filed with the jurisdiction government office by a licensed company, as required by law, such as and associates. Then, initial offshore company formation documents and registration certificates, as well as a declaration location of a registered agent within the incorporating jurisdiction, are filed with the appropriate agencies. The exact requirements of forming offshore companies varies from each jurisdiction. Regardless of your jurisdiction, will complete all of your paperwork, file your documents, set up your registered agent and facilitate the entire offshore incorporation process for you.
Incorporating Offshore
Incorporating offshore requires that costs and fees be paid to the incorporating jurisdiction and various agents of representation. Here is a list of items that are included in most of our offshore company incorporation packages:
- Offshore companies incorporation fee
- Post incorporation structure fee
- Initial license fee
- Disbursements
- Annual statutory fee
- Annual compliance fee
- Annual license fee
Incorporating in another country is simple with an package. We form thousands of offshore companies for a worldwide consumer base and have become the larges incorporation service in the US. We are rated number one in customer service. Call a representative today to find out how quickly and easily we can help with your offshore service needs.