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Why Go Offshore?

Offshore Company Formation

Offshore asset protection puts your assets far out of reach of hungry creditors and prying eyes.

Protecting your assets offshore can, in many cases, provide for much stronger asset protection than domestic business structures and trusts. Domestic asset protection vehicles are more readily accessible to seizure through US court rulings and judgements. Many offshore asset protection jurisdictions do not recognize foreign judgements. Therefore a judgement creditor would face a substantial hurdle to attempt to pursue your assets in the jurisdiction where your assets are held. Strong offshore asset protection jurisdictions create a formidable challenge to those pursuing your hard-earned wealth.

One of the pillars of protecting assets from judgements is the offshore asset protection trust. Even if a monetary judgment is rendered against you, your assets can be safe and sound using the powerful international asset protection trust laws in the Cook Islands, for example. A judge can rule against you, giving your enemy-at-law a license to pursue your assets. However a foreign trustee is not subject to US court rulings and therefore is not required to release your assets to the judgment creditor.

why go offshore

You control the day-to-day activities of your financial accounts within your offshore company and trust. Then, when legal duress arises, such as a lawsuit or judgement, asset protection trust provisions allow the licensed, bonded trustee to step an and provide a legal wall between your creditors and your assets. The highly-respected foreign trustee steps in and follows your recommendations on asset management while, at the same time, keeping your wealth safely shielded from legal attack. The trustee only needs to step in when the courts would take your money. So would you rather have a 100% chance of your money being seized by the courts? Or would you rather have a regulated, licensed and insured trustee step in and do what you have paid him to do: protect your money?